
Stark Diamond

double-glazed windows of premium class

Double glazing Stark Diamond is the most functional product we offer. It is a three-layer double-glazed windows, which includes all the advantages and qualities of Stark double-glazed windows. There is a set of heat saving, sun protection, sound insulation, durability, beautiful appearance and translucency in the one double-glazed window. In addition to all this, it is made of plastic separation circuits of lower thermal conductivity, and the interglass space is filled with inert gas — Argon instead of air. As a result, Stark Diamond double-glazed windows provide better energy savings.

STARK DIAMOND double glazing have the following qualities: 
•    Protection from scorching sunlight
•    High degree of heat economy
•    Reduced heating and cooling costs
•    Soundproofing
•    Strength and safety
•    Reflection of harmful UV radiation
•    High coefficient of translucency
•    Beautiful exterior view

Glasses are equipped with the following features


The high degree of heat economy


Beautiful exterior view

High translucency

Reduced heating and cooling costs

Reflection of UV harmful radiation

Protection from sunshine rays

Reduced risk of condensation

IGU type 6MT-8MAr-4-10MAr-4iT


Light trasmittance LT%


Solar Factor SF %


Thermal resistance Ro (m2K/w)


Thermal transmittance Ug(w/m2K)


Sound reduction index Rw%